Cattle Transportation Factoring

Cattle transportation freight factoring for trucking companies and carriers

1 (888) 331-3839

Freight factoring for cattle carriers - haulers. Our freight funding options can help carriers that also transport cattle / livestock factor those invoices when general freight (non-cattle loads) are also factored.  Trucking and transportation companies get an advance on their freight bills in just a few days after delivery.

Cattle factoring is available to trucking companies (no sole-proprietorship) subject to the following criteria:

  • We treat cattle load factoring like any other freight factoring deal
  • There could be certain issues if you are dealing with produce under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA)
  • There could be a problem if you are delivering cattle that is subject to payment
  • Or if you are a distributor or middleman and there are concerns such as the farmer getting paid for his cattle

However, If our customer is just hauling the livestock like any other load and has other non-livestock loads to factor, there should be no problems.


  • Complete the simple application process (via email)
  • Get approved (agreement is then signed)
  • You submit invoices (invoices are verified)
  • Funds are deposited into your bank account